Monday, 19 September 2022

Friends with Benefit aka Free Sex.

Friends with benefit simply means a male and female who are casual friends and enjoying sexual escapades with each other without any underlying romantic relationship existing between them.
It’s basically for adults who are well familiar with themselves and understand the nature of such relationship. Either of the friends could have a real relationship on the side which is not a problem to his/her friend (with benefit).
For some time now, I realise that friends with benefit is actually the best form of relationship until one is ready to plunge into a romantic relationship.
Discover the joy of FWB....

As the words imply, friends with benefit, you get to have lots of sex with your friend and move on.Just because you are not in a ‘relationship’ does not mean you can't have "it". And solo sex just doesn’t cut it. Casual sex is now more popular than it used. Really good friends will have sex together to compensate each other’s lack of affection from elsewhere and sexual needs. FWBs provide convenient access to

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